Monday, July 19, 2010

potty problems...

We've been holding off on potty training Benjamin because we felt like he wasn't ready. He was showing no signs of being ready and our pediatrician kept reassuring us that boys don't potty train until between 3 and 4. Well, he turned 3 in June and starts preschool in Sept (IF HE IS TRAINED)! I decided that it was time. Plus, Madelyn is showing many signs of being ready, so I decided I would do both together. Why not? Get it all done at once and be done with diapers!

Well, here is how my journey has gone since I started 1 week ago...Please don't read on if you are grossed out by bodily functions. Sorry if I've crossed the line, but this has been my life!

Prior to Day 1: read the book How to Potty Train your Child in 3 Days, purchased the potty treats and the Cheerios to aim at, had both kids pick out more new fun undies, purchased Big Boy and Big Girl drinks (choc milk, green Hi-C, strawberry milk, some crazy expensive juice in batman and strawberry shortcake cups). Sidenote--I don't normally buy these things, but I read that you have to get your kids to drink a lot, so I thought if I had fun, new drinks they would be excited to drink all day.

Day 1: informed kids that they were a Big Boy and Big Girl. We made a huge event of taking out all their diapers and bagging them up for our friend Cooper. Then the madness started! Lots of drinking, lots of peeing EVERYWHERE, lots of trips to the washer, lots of sweating (by me), and an entire day in and out of the bathroom!!! So, after Madelyn threw a tantrum at 12:30 I was at my wits end and put her in a diaper and to bed. I was done training her. Decided to focus on one at a time.

Day 2: Went okay, but had a few accidents. Major accident all over kitchen floor and then after I changed him and scrubbed the floor he did it all over again! I decided to keep pluggin along!

Day 3: Pooped on the potty!! Woo hoo! Got a big bowl of ice cream! Went to Fazoli's for lunch and he demanded on bring that potty seat with him! Probably one of the most embarrassing moments I've had when he carries it in and sets it right up on the table!

Day 4: Pooped in pants at daycare, but did okay.

Day 5 and 6: Weekend went pretty well. However, he did pee all over the floor and myself at Buffalo Wild Wings because he still sits and I had to hold onto him. That was refreshing...

Day 7: Decided to try standing and went well! By golly, I've think we've trained him. He even wanted to go potty today in the woods at my nephew's baseball game!

Now I'll just have to work on our little Madelyn!